Monday, March 7, 2011



A lady with alpha one anti-trypsin deficiency who is struggling to breath properly & is waiting for a lung transplant...

A young boy admitted under section 12 (child protection) whose father hang up on the Garda (police) when they called him..

A nice elderly man whom I admitted but arrested & passed away the next morning..

A very polite elderly man who would be delighted every time I saw him but was struggling to speak as he is dysphasic (having difficulty to speak) from CVA/stroke..

They were some of the patients whom I met recently..

As I was listening to the lady's chest, I thanked Allah for giving me the chance to breath with no difficulty..

As I was waiting with the boy to get his x ray done, I thanked Allah for giving me a loving family who is always there for me..

As I finished doing CPR, I thanked Allah for still giving me the chance to live..

As I was waving good bye to the very nice man was going to be transferred to hospice, I thanked Allah for giving me a good health..

And there is just so much more that I am thankful for... Alhamdulillah..

This morning, a patient of mine told us a story, about how scared she was for having to go for a brain surgery.. It was in the 1970's.. her husband couldn't be there for her as he was working to get some money for the surgery & her mother lived far away.. and there were no mobile phones at that time...

Before going into the surgery, she asked the surgeon tearfully, 'Will you please make sure that I'll be alive for my husband & my mother?'

And the surgeon touched her nose and say, 'Hey baby doll, pray to God.. pray hard that He will guide my hands'... And she did...

I pray that my job will always keep me closer to my Creator.. Ameen..

Till we meet gain..

Monday, January 3, 2011

Sweet tooth..


For the past week my husband & I both have been unwell - fever, sore throat, myalgia, flu.. and poor appetite.. although we are not yet fully recover, we are much better now.. Alhamdulillah..

For the past few days we have been eating porridge, soup, and then porridge again.. and then porridge & soup.. and soup again;p hehe.. and only yesterday I cooked something other than porridge & soup..

As my appetite is recovering, I just felt like eating a delicious moist chocolate cake with delicious chocolate toppings.. *drooling*.. as it is not easy to find a halal & nice choc cake here, the only viable quick solution was to make it myself.. so, my quest for a nice recipe begun.. but I didn't spent much time hunting for a recipe merely because my appetite said we must make the cake ASAP! (I remember the time I had dengue fever, once my appetite was back, I was really, really hungry for rice, like I have been starving for a month! - no joke)..

The recipe that I tried yesterday was the famous moist choc cake by Bebop.. you can just google the name, and you'll find the recipe easily.. the cake was supposed to be steamed but my steamer isn't big enough.. so I baked instead using waterbath technique.. the cake turned out fine.. a bit too muddy for me though.. maybe I wasn't following the instructions properly.. but it was ok and it was an easy cake to make.. and more importantly, my stomach is happy! burpp.. Alhamdulillah:)

Enjoy the pics!

Pardon the mess.. (both inside and outside the dish..;p) - who cares, I just wanna eat;)

A missing slice (already in my stomach!;p)

C'ya next time, insyaAllah!

p/s: why do they call it sweet tooth?? doesn't really make any sense... teeth don't have any taste.. sweet taste buds? haha..;p