Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Burnin' Up


In all fairness, I have not a clue of what I will be blogging on tonight.. I am severely exhausted, mentally drained and grievously emotionally retarded at the moment.. Event the narcissistic 'unsub' in Criminal Minds on television could not startle me..

Maybe this is one of the signs of when a doctor (like myself) is burned up.. I hope not.. I hope this is just literally pure physical and mental exhaustion after a run of serious 32-hour work.. Even with a short period of sleep/rest time, many of my colleagues would agree that the fact that we needed to be at the tip of our toes and literally be just at the other end of the phone makes us too drained of every little juice of energy we have..

I have always have this worry that it may come to a point when a doctor feels that he works no more than just fulfilling his career ambitions and as a day job, not as what he intended it initially - to help others..

Hopefully, it never happens to me..


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