Sunday, April 26, 2009

This Week


It has certainly been a fairly long while since my last entry.. As a matter of fact, I had half-written an entry and even that I didn't finish! Call it procrastination, call it lazy, or call it whatever you want, I will accept those and I'll just say "I'm plain lazy!"..

I might just take this entry to summarize the events of the week..

Dublin Trip

I started off the week with not knowing I was to be oncall on Monday, until about 5 minutes from leaving the house.. I was 99.99% convinced that I would be oncall on Wednesday until that very second I checked my oncall schedule.. Phew!

My first assignment that night was to transfer a 25-year-old man from ICU to the ICCU in Mater Hospital, Dublin.. Now that was not really the worse part.. I was told the man was on 'pressors' (dobutamine infusion) but was 'stable' and was not on ventilatory support.. What that means was this man is high-risk to 'crash' while on transfer.. Luckily, the transfer was quick and uneventful.. The drive from Limerick took merely two hours to arrive in Dublin! and we headed back (which took just under three hours) and I was back in A&E, ending up with two admissions in Resus just before 9am and missed half of Prof's ward round that morning..

Rest of the Week

Nothing majorly interesting throughout the week, though.. On Friday, I went to Cork with Mas and attended a Solat Hajat ceremony for the students.. In a way, I missed my involvement with students since I left the student body and phased into working.. Of course, the thing that made it more interesting was the Ceramah Motivasi oleh Pakar Motivasi dan Psikologi Dr Mas Mahadi (Motivational Talk by Motivational and Psychology Expert).. The fact that Mas had thought it would be a 15-minute informal talk to students facing their days of exams was the glittering part of it.. It turned out he had to 'made it formal' and prepared few slides for his presentation..

We came back to Limerick that same night after stopping by at Puden and Fiza's place.. Ina didn't come along as she finished late on Friday and was probably too tired to tag along..

We only stayed home on Saturday, cleaning the house..

Sunday - we went to Zali's house and met some friends there too.. Puden and Fiza and Fitri were there.. Fitri came all the way from Waterford.. Kak Yulia is not around, she is on maternity leave and went back to Malaysia with the baby and their first daughter too.. So Fitri was probably pretty much lonely and bored alone in Waterford..

We had lunch there and the chicken was good.. Puden and Fiza brought some spring rolls and muffins and Ina baked two cakes.. I'm not sure whether the cakes were the gauge of how 'depressed' she was facing Sunday and knowing Monday will chart the start of a new working week.. I know she finds relief in baking, so maybe she was in 'Level 2 Depressed'.. Her lip ulcer doesn't make it any easier..

Another Week

All in all, the coming week is coming and I m looking forward for the next weekend - it's the Bank Holiday weekend again.. Unfortunately, Ina will be oncall on Friday and she is dreading it..

We will keep you updated..


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