Saturday, April 4, 2009

Priceless Feeling


It has been quite some time since my last entry.. As a matter of fact, I might well consider myself a little bit on the 'slo-mo' gear.. But with the weekend oncall last week and the busy first part of the week, as the final few days with Nephrology, I do not think I need to explain any further or worse yet dig deep for an excuse..

Today is a very special day for both of us, Ina and me.. Of course, it is Ina's birthday today.. And me being 'mean', I did not wish her until later in the day.. Now, not that it was unintentionally I forgot about it, but I had a big plan, of which I had planned secretly since about three weeks ago..

We started the day a little bit slow, with Ina was slightly unwell with flu since after her oncall last night.. I had to hardly persuade her to go out of the house and we headed to Cork at about 12.30pm.. Of course I did not say anything about anything apart from me singing in the car with the tune from my Sony MP3 player.. When we reached Cork, we headed straight to Wan's house but Ina had never been there before, so she was absolutely dumbfounded by the agenda of the day.. When Wan opened the door and Fid literally screamed "Surprise!" at Ina's face, all Heaven broke loose and all secrets revealed!

Wan had prepared a chocolate mousse cake with Japanese 'Happy Birthday' written on it.. Wan's mom made a telekung for Ina as a present.. The girls bought Ina a Spongebob balloon and a Brown Thomas purse.. We had vermicelli with soup and loads of desserts..

As for me, the greatest enjoyment of the day was to see Ina's face when the surprise party hit her flat! It was just priceless.. It was the joy for her from me..

I thank Wan and her family for organising all these.. Wan was my 'partner in crime' since the last three weeks, organising this event.. She had help from (with many thanks) Fid, Sepose and Syiown.. And I thank all who attended and made Ina's birthday this year as special as it was.. Many thanks to all..

Happy birthday, Sayang..


blooddiamond said...

how bad a sis i am...i forgot k ina's birthday :( so sorry k ina...anyway, happy birthday!i;m sure the celebration was a blast!

Shaz-ina said...

thanks intan.. it's ok,dah tue pun.. xde la penting sgt nak celebrate;) hehe..