Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Two Days, Two Drops..


Another day has passed in the life of a health-care professional.. Yet, today, after what had happened yesterday, brought a new spirit along with the morning breeze, which quite honestly had some spring notion to it, even at this still-winter season.. The fresh uplifting feeling had materialized within my veins.. It was all so invigorating..

The day had gone well that it seemed a purpose was re-ignited, a reason sparked.. Despite the anticipated long day, I had never thought of sighing or wincing.. The desire to be a good doctor had been refreshed..

And just when I thought yesterday was an epic event, rare yet spiritually enhancing, I was faced with another token of gratitude.. Alhamdulillah, my heart was again locked onto why I wanted to be a doctor..

A lady whom I attended to in the outpatients today handed me a 50euro note just after I had examined her.. I was struck off balance, not knowing what to do at that instance.. It was a token of appreciation and gratitude for me for looking after this lady.. In all fairness, it was the first time I actually saw the lady.. It would not have made any different outcome had I seen her before as well..

"This is for you, doctor.. For taking care of me.." It was brief and direct.. The crispy note was pushed into my palm..


In the Irish society, it is not uncommon, especially among the previous generation elders, to toss a huge amount of money as a token of appreciation.. Matter of fact, refusing to accept may well indicate unappreciative sign and may well be looked at as rude..

I finally took the money, discussed that with my colleagues and decided that I would transfer the amount to the Dialysis Unit Fund.. I was then told that this lady does it all the time every time she attends the clinic..

As for me, the monetary value is of no concern to me, but I would humbly accept the note of gratitude from this lady on behalf of all doctors in the world and return the favour as a promise that we all would do our best to be a good doctor..

I may not see this lady again soon, but the experience I had today will stick with me.. Two drop of sweetness from patients are a majestic value of spirit and reminder to me, and I has both so close together.. Yesterday and today were great reminders for me, of an experience to share, of an ambition refreshed, and of a value of which made us human..


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